
Saturday, 2 March 2019

A Primer on Mining Politics in Bolivia: New Pacific Metals (TSX-V: NUAG)

I came across an article (linked below) published in Bloomberg Business Week, and it served as a crash course into the recent politics around mining in Bolivia. It is very relevant given how a Canadian mining company recently has released impressive drill results and signed an agreement to advance a project in the under-explored but well geologically well-endowed Andean nation.

Recently, New Pacific Metals (TSX-V: NUAG) announced a Mining Production Contract "MPC" with the Bolivian government and the stated-owned mining enterprise Comibol for its Silver Sand Project; a unique agreement for a nation noted for its leftist policies and animosity towards foreign investment.

Gordon Neal, President of New Pacific said, “The MPC is a first of its kind agreement between a public resource company and the Bolivian government.  I commend the Minister of Mines and Metallurgy and the President of COMIBOL for committed focus to complete this transaction.  It is a benchmark achievement that shows that Bolivia is open to foreign investment.”

New Pacific appears to have a distinct advantage in Bolivia with this agreement, and has a whole host of properties they can explore in a country that has not seen modern mineral exploration in a generation.  This is a huge opportunity.

Here is the article, take a read, let me know your thoughts:

Bolivia’s Desperate Miners Are Doing Desperate Things — Like Murder Everyone knows who killed Rodolfo Illanes. So why is his death such a mystery?

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